Galaxy Lights
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Granted's Profile Registry
16 November 2022
Granted's Profile Registry
Managing AWS SSO profiles across your team can be hard. Here to make your life a whole lot easier - Granted's Profile Registry!
Product Updates
Who Cares About Least Privilege?
Cain Maddox • 3 November 2022
Who Cares About Least Privilege?
Everyone knows that least privilege is a foundational part of secure design. So then why do so few organizations seem to care about it?
Our RFD Process
Cain Maddox • 18 October 2022
Our RFD Process
We're starting an RFD process!
Product Updates
Prevent Logging Secrets in Go by Using Custom Types
Cain Maddox • 17 August 2022
Prevent Logging Secrets in Go by Using Custom Types
A quick post on how we make it harder to log secrets in Go.
Granted Approvals - an Open Source Permission Management Framework
Cain Maddox • 16 August 2022
Granted Approvals - an Open Source Permission Management Framework
An open source privileged access management framework which makes requesting access a breeze.
Product Updates
Granted - Open Source Release
Chris Norman • 16 August 2022
Granted - Open Source Release
We’re pleased to announce the release of our new open source tool, Granted.
Open Source
IAM Power Editor - Initial Release
1 December 2021
IAM Power Editor - Initial Release
IAM Power Editor was created to alleviate some of the pains associated with Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy creation.
Product Updates
IAM Zero - v0.2.0 Release
Chris Norman • 2 August 2021
IAM Zero - v0.2.0 Release
Our major focus this release was core usability features to make IAM Zero useful for developers in a day to day environment.
Open Source
IAM Zero - v0.1.0 Release
Chris Norman • 21 May 2021
IAM Zero - v0.1.0 Release
A month ago I made a post about IAM Zero, a tool which detects IAM issues and suggests least-privilege policies.
Open Source