Galaxy Lights
Our story
The Story of Common Fate

Common Fate was founded with the vision of making cloud security simple, without slowing down high velocity software teams.

After working on a number of startups and projects together as consultants, we observed how difficult it is to secure complex cloud environments. Typically, security is traded-off in favour of speedy software delivery. This approach represents a huge security risk.

Given the vast scale of cloud services and applications, the key to securing cloud environments starts and ends with identity management. Cloud native organisations with complex environments must be in a position to understand what human or machine has access to what and why and for how long must the access persist.

Common Fate’s solutions are designed to enable secure by default workflows that move at the speed of software teams.

Our team has deep experience in cloud platform and security consulting for clients including defence prime contractors and enterprise software teams. We are backed by leading security & infrastructure VC investors, and our advisors include world-class security practitioners from Stripe, Temporal and Trend Micro.

Meet our Team
Chris Norman
Chris Norman

Chris Norman


Fraser Ricupero
Fraser Ricupero

Fraser Ricupero


Josh Wilkes
Josh Wilkes

Josh Wilkes

Senior Software Engineer

Jack Meyer
Jack Meyer

Jack Meyer

Full-Stack Developer

Shwetha Umashanker
Shwetha Umashanker

Shwetha Umashanker

Solution Architect

Calvin Luy
Calvin Luy

Calvin Luy

Senior Software Engineer