New updates and improvements to Common Fate.
JIRA Ticket Integration
Common Fate now supports adding JIRA tickets in Access Requests.
Once the JIRA integration is set up in Common Fate. Users will now be able to include JIRA tickets in the Access request reason with deep linking to the issue.

Multi-Step Approvals on Request Workflows
Access Workflows can now be set up to require 1 or more conditions which must be met for a grant to be approved.
Each step must be completed by a separate reviewer and will not be able to be activated until all approval conditions are met.
To get started with Multi-Step approvals the Access Workflows Terraform resource now has a field approval_steps
which can be used to configure one or more approval steps.

Sending Review Requests to Approvers
We have moved the list of approvers to within the grant status details, and improved the readability of larger lists of approvers.
On top of this, users can now send a one time alert to each of the approvers asking for their review on the request. This will be tracked and ticked off when they have completed their review.
- Additional expiry conditions have been added to make sure stale requests are closed automatically. `requested_to_approve_expiry` `requested_to_activate_expiry` have been added to Access Workflows to configure this.
- Fixed an issue causing the Entra integration role to not be found when using Connected Identities.
- AWS Proxy integration now respects the SSO Start URL override if configured on the AWS IDC integration.
- Fixed an issue causing Entra and Okta resources to not show in resource views for users using Connected Identities.
- Performance improvements to background tasks for syncing integration resources.